
My favorite hiking shirt

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Pro Life??

One of the most telling parts of the christian pro life philosophy is their push for restrictions on birth control. This exposes them for what they are attempting to do: punish women. They are really saying to women: “if you are going to have sex, then you must pay through the inconveniences and dangers of pregnancy”. Of course they don’t want the kid once it’s born; they just want to punish sexually active women.

The root of their despise of women is the same as the root for radical Islam’s severe restrictions on women: the idea that a woman was the weakness that brought about the fall of man as expressed in the temptation of Eve in the Hebrew scriptures. Both Christians and Muslims put great emphasis and belief in these ancient texts which they consider to be the “word of god”. In this context a woman bears the greatest blame for humans being denied paradise.